We Love Detroit--Find Out Why So Many of Us Love Motown

We love Detroit.

Detroit is a city that's been through it all. It's played a role in everything from the musical landscape to World Wars.

But what about Detroit today? Why do we love it here, and is there something you, too, can fall in love with?

Dive into these questions and the history of Detroit in the following post.

Why is Detroit So Popular?

Detroit, Michigan, is a diverse, dynamic city with a history as rich as its music scene. People worldwide love this city, and those from here love it even more.

From radical inventions to innovative music, Detroit is the birthplace of incredible human advancements.

Detroit is also home to a diverse population from nearly every ethnic background, including Italian, German, English, Polish, Mexican, Irish, African, Middle Eastern, and Greek ancestry.

Whether you love music, art, or automobiles, Detroit is a place that sticks in your soul, and once you visit, you'll never be the same.

What Was Detroit Originally Called?

Detroit was initially called Fort Pontchartrain du Detroit after Antoine de La Moth Cadillac, and about another hundred Frenchmen and Algonquian Indians established it as such on July 24, 1701.

Today, that spot is known as downtown Detroit.

What Other Names Does The City Go By?

Aside from its original name, Detroit has several other nicknames.

Detroit's most well-known nickname is "Motor City." During the early 20th century, it was known as the global center of all things automotive.

Another nickname for the city is "Motown". Named after Motown Records, Barry Gordy created the nickname. He combined "Motor" and "Town" to craft the name.

Detroit is also known as "Detroit Rock City" because of the city's deep love of music and "The D" from the city's name.

Few cities have as many nicknames as Detroit, and with good reason. Its rich history with music and the automotive industry is primarily responsible for these nicknames.

A Brief History of Detroit

Detroit was incorporated in 1815 and spent years leading up to the Civil War as the last U.S. stop on the Underground Railroad. During the same period, it became widely known for manufacturing cigars and kitchen ranges.

So, how did Detroit become known as the "Motor City"? Henry Ford is largely responsible for that nickname.

In 1896, he built his first car in Detroit. While the automobile had already been manufactured previously, his approach to building vehicles would put most Americans in cars.

During World War II, factories designed to build automobiles were used to create weapons for the Allied Powers. The same manufacturing equipment Ford crafted for vehicles helped move production forward and eventually helped win the war.

Unsurprisingly, one former autoworker was also responsible for founding Motown. Berry Gordy Jr. used a small family loan to start a record company. That record company brought about some of the greatest artists of the 20th century, including Stevie Wonder, Smokie Robinson, Michael Jackson, and Marvin Gaye, all of whom had Detroit roots.

However, Detroit has seen some hard days. In 1950, the city's population was 1.85 million, and by 2015, it had dropped to 680,000, bumping it off the top 20 US cities. In 2013, the city filed for bankruptcy, but by 2017, the median household income was on the rise, and the city's crime levels were dropping.

As the 21st century began, metro Detroit began to see the rewards of decades spent revitalizing the area. It has seen an improvement in its labor market and average household income over the past 10 years, and its economic recovery is also expected to continue over the coming years.

What Is The City Famous For?

Detroit is well-known as the automobile capital of the world. Still, as we mentioned, it is also famous for its Motown music sound.

We love Detroit because it is lively and has a fascinating history and an exciting future. During its recovery process, Detroit has quickly become a must-visit destination in the US.

People visit the city to explore the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation, the iconic Motown recording studio, the riverfront, the Detroit Institute of Arts, and the Detroit Street Museum, among other notable locations.

Ultimately, this city has something for everyone. It's rich culturally, and there is plenty of good music and food. Detroit love is a real thing for a reason.

What We Mean By "We Love Detroit"



When we say, "We love Detroit," it's more than just a slogan.

To say "I love Detroit," you're saying you love the city's attitude. That attitude requires you to get your hands dirty and do it yourself when you live here. Not only that, but you have to recognize the importance of creativity and its role in both the city and the lives of the people here.

A single trip to the Detroit Historical Museum can make you fall in love with that spirit.

That's what happened to us. After we spent time here, listening to our family tell tall tales of Detroit's heyday made it easy to fall in love with Motown.

So, to us, Detroit is not just a city or a slogan. It's a place where you can become your best self if you work hard, get your hands dirty, and aren't afraid to show off your creativity.

You can now grab our original "I Love Detroit t-shirt" and other apparel in our store. Join us in showing some Detroit love when you shop our collection.